"Where's the Patient's Voice in Evidence-based Treatment & Research?"

Pharmacy podcast 2

Part 4 in the series "Pharmacist and Physician Opioid Collaborative" on Pharmacy Podcast Network.

Listen as Todd Eury, from Pharmacy Podcast Network, asks Bev a question that is long overdo..."What is the patient's perspective?"

"No one ever asks the patient what we think, we are kind of shoved out of it." ~Bev Schechtman

"But what they're missing, Bev, is they're missing the empathetic bedside manner to look you in the eye and give you a sincere little smile, showing they're there for me as a patient." ~Todd Eury

"We feel like everyone around us is going to treat us as though everything we say is a lie, that we're going to try to get out of whatever it is they think they're trying to catch us in, and we can't trust any of them." ~Bev Schechtman

"The way they set up the system patients can't be honest with our providers." ~Bev Schechtman 

